JW Flooring & Kitchen Design
I recently had the opportunity to design a complete website for a small business that had just opened locally. JWFKD specializes in kitchen and bath design, connecting residential customers and contractors.

After meeting with my clients, I put together a few concept home pages using Figma. I reviewed the websites of several similar businesses, noting the color and feel. JWFKD also had an existing blue and green logo. Taking all of this into consideration, I decided on a palette of greens, dark greys and deep browns—evoking luxury flooring and cabinetry.

My clients quickly decided which concept they preferred, and I got to work. We set up the site in Squarespace 7.1. I secured their domain and sourced stock images for the initial launch. Once the showroom has been completed to their
satisfaction, I will take photographs to replace the stock images. It was also very important to set up a calendar and scheduling feature, as they often travel to prospective customers’ homes for consultations.

Check out the JW Flooring & Kitchen Design site here
Jimmy's Student Rentals
Jimmy owns several local student rental properties. About five years ago, he contracted with another designer who put together a simple site. Unfortunately for Jimmy, that site was hacked and he could not get in touch with the original designer. I was recommended to him by a mutual acquaintance. 

After sitting down with Jimmy, I was able to determine that there were several issues I was going to need to address. Jimmy did not have any information about his current domain, where his site was hosted or even have any of the property photos in his possession. He only had paper copies of the lease application and agreements, so he needed me to create new ones that could be uploaded digitally to the site. It was going to be a big undertaking! Thankfully, I enjoy a challenge. 

I first secured a new domain for Jimmy, and instructed him regarding how he could recover access to his old domain as well. Ultimately, both domains will point to the new site. I also helped him find a web hosting platform where he could also purchase additional site security. I mocked up a few page concepts using Figma (pictured below). Jimmy is a no-frills kind of guy and was able to provide great direction. He preferred to have carousels of the properties across the top of the page. I created a simple, one-page site using WordPress. I also set up the SEO for the site, using the Yoast plug-in.

 Jimmy did not have access to any of photos of his properties, because the previous designer had them all. I grabbed my trusty camera and took new photos of the properties and uploaded them to the site. 

I used Adobe Scan to provide myself with the lease application and agreements in a digital format, then reformatted for legibility and consistency

Finally, I gave Jimmy a flash drive with the 'keys to the kingdom'. It contains all the information he may ever need to gain access to the site, including the photographs I took and the reformatted documents as a Word file. Although we plan on working together in the future as I will provide maintenance to the site, I never want him to be in the same situation that brought him to me again. 

See Jimmy's site here.

United Way of the Blue Mountains
I recently assisted in the redesign of several key pages on The United Way of the Blue Mountains website. Due to a previous bad experience with another designer, I was not granted access to update the site directly. Instead, I provided wire frames for approval, then a more fleshed-out template for the director to follow. I sourced stock photos and created some original artwork for banners and infographics, while staying on-brand. View the infographics I also created for The United Way of the Blue Mountains.

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